Overcoming Stigma, Seeking Help

Overcoming Stigma, Seeking Help – Dr. Priya Job Joy “I am fine” and “I don’t need help” … This is what most of us tell others and ourselves. Challenges arise when we often bottle up our difficult emotions, hush mental health issues, psychiatric problems...

Precious Gift (Hindi)

Precious Gift (Hindi) बहुमूल्य उपहार क्या आपने स्वीकार किया ? क्रिसमस कुल मिलाकर उपहारों की ही तो बात है। प्रभ यीशु मसीह के जन्म के स्मरण में उपहारों को बाँटना। क्रिसमस के साथ कौन-कौन से उपहार शामिल किए जाने चाहिए ? क्रिसमस, मनुष्य के लिए परमेश्वर की चिंता का संदेश...

Precious Gift

Precious Gift Christmas is all about gifts! Sharing gifts in remembering the birth of Jesus Christ. He’s the reason for the season! But in reality what Christmas is all about? What must be the gifts attached with Christmas? What are some of the messages Christmas...

Piece of Peace

Piece of Peace Peace and hope are becoming the unfulfilled dream of man due to various reasons. Family problems, Job loss, financial insecurities, failures, relationship management issues etc are few of the many reasons. Every morning we get up expecting something...

Empathetic Socialism

Empathetic Socialism God created the universe, filled it with all kinds of living creatures and made a law that would ensure a perfect equilibrium in the ecosystem. He made man and endowed him with the responsibility of supervising the proper functioning of this...

Reliability of the Bible

Reliability of the Bible – Jaison Sam How can a book written thousands of years be relied even today? How can I believe what is written in it is real? For centuries people have questioned the trustworthiness of the Bible. No other books in the world would be so...