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CCN stands for the needy of the society and for the seekers of the Biblical truth.

GOD – The Amazing Architect

As thou knowest not what is the way of the spirit, nor how the bones do grow in the womb of her that is with child: even so thou knowest not the works of God who maketh all.

Reliability of the Bible

“The very Word of God”. The Word, which is settled in heaven.
Psalm 119:89

Overcoming Stigma, Seeking Help

Did you ever feel the need to just speak your mind out to someone without having them judge you?

Our Mission & Vision


Reach the needy with help in the underdeveloped areas.

Reach the unreached ones with the gospel of Hope.

Reach the needy ones with the spiritual and emotional assistance.

Precious Gift

In reality what Christmas is all about? What must be the gifts attached with Christmas? What are some of the messages Christmas gives to mankind?

Piece of Peace

The peace that can overcome fears and anxieties, the peace that technologies and sciences would never imagine, the peace that cannot be availed by any other means…

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The Latest Articles

Overcoming Stigma, Seeking Help

- Dr. Priya Job Joy “I am fine” and “I don’t need help” ... This is what most of us tell others and ourselves. Challenges arise when we often bottle up our difficult emotions, hush mental health issues, psychiatric problems under the carpet without dealing with them...

Precious Gift (Hindi)

बहुमूल्य उपहार क्या आपने स्वीकार किया ? क्रिसमस कुल मिलाकर उपहारों की ही तो बात है। प्रभ यीशु मसीह के जन्म के स्मरण में उपहारों को बाँटना। क्रिसमस के साथ कौन-कौन से उपहार शामिल किए जाने चाहिए ? क्रिसमस, मनुष्य के लिए परमेश्वर की चिंता का संदेश है। परमेश्वर ने अपने...

Precious Gift

Christmas is all about gifts! Sharing gifts in remembering the birth of Jesus Christ. He’s the reason for the season! But in reality what Christmas is all about? What must be the gifts attached with Christmas? What are some of the messages Christmas gives to mankind?...