About CCN

Our Vision: – 
  • Reach the needy with help in the underdeveloped areas.
  • Reach the unreached ones with the gospel of Hope.
  • Reach the needy ones with the spiritual and emotional assistance.

CCN is started with the vision of the progress among the under developed people groups of Kerala. A short survey of CCN could reveal that there are people taking advantage of different tribal groups and most of the people groups were not truly helped. The team of few dedicated youths had been engaging in meeting the needs of the poor people especially among different tribal groups in Kerala. CCN finds it a joy to find out the need and serve them as per the availability of the resources.

The inspiration behind this endeavor is the Lord Jesus Christ. He came and spent his life for the needy ones of the society. CCN finds it’s the responsibility of the disciples of Jesus to be like Him.

History speaks: In fact, the contributions of Christian missionaries to transform a dark sub-continent into the light of civilization are really commendable in the history of India. Before the light of education came to Indians, every nook and corner of Indian villages were under-developed and under the control of superstitions. CCN also is in the process of finding the opportunity in the needy areas to help the needy with all capability. Though education and development has reached in many parts of the nations, still people are under the bondage of various problems. Family issues, personal-emotional problems, relationship issues, financial-job related issues are controlling the normal life of an Indian. CCN also tries to help the needy with emotional help by counseling and carrier guidance.

Gospel of Hope: Gospel of Jesus is proved to be message of peace, a message of Love and the message of Hope. Lakhs of people all over the world has found the light of life through the Gospel. Lakhs of people came out of the bondage of Sin and its consequences through the gospel of Jesus Christ. Lakhs of people around the world have come out of the fallacy of superstitions through the gospel of Jesus Christ. Lakhs of people around the world have come out of despair, disappointment and frustrations of life through the gospel. Gospel is proved to be the life saving medicine for all who are about to die eternally having been drown into the mire of sin. Gospel of Jesus Christ has proved its significant power of transformation through the changed lives of thousands of criminals, drunkards, and immoral people in the society all over the world. The gospel of Jesus Christ has given a new civilization of life all together to the ones received it. The gospel has introduced peace of mind to lakhs of families and societies in different parts of the world. The gospel of Jesus Christ has transformed the headhunters of different tribal groups as the lovers of humanity; and so on…. CCN also finds it necessary to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to the unreached ones who are in need of Hope.

Spiritual food: Spiritual maturity and psychological health are necessary factors for the peaceful life. Spiritual maturity is the demand of Christian growth in the day to day Christian life. Bible, the Word of God addresses all aspects of human life. Just as the hundreds of food corners who sell junk food that spoil the health of the people, so many innocent seekers of the truth are deceived by the false teachings and fraud promises of the so called charismatic and new generation speakers. CCN found it necessary to get the proper food for the needy ones for the proper growth. Here the audience will find messages on Theology, Apologetics, Bible Exposition, Devotional Thoughts etc.

Finally, CCN would like to be liable to the great constitution of India and abide by the articles 25-28 with their terms and conditions. CCN does believe in the freedom to choose and practice the faith. CCN does not and will not believe/propose forcible conversion by any means because it’s both unbiblical an unconstitutional.

CCN stands for the needy of the society and for the seekers of the Biblical truth.