Precious Gift

Christmas is all about gifts! Sharing gifts in remembering the birth of Jesus Christ. He’s the reason for the season! But in reality what Christmas is all about? What must be the gifts attached with Christmas? What are some of the messages Christmas gives to mankind?
Christmas gives the message of God’s concern for Man
God is in control of human history, and He revealed Himself to man in the history. Man is tirelessly in search of God throughout the centuries by his philosophies and religious ideas. But in the fullness of time God sent His Son to redeem man from his desperate state.  Hence, Christmas reminds all about God’s concern for man. According to the Gregorian calendar the world history is divided into two parts through the birth of Jesus Christ as B.C. (Before Christ) and A. D. (Anno Domini). The year in which we live today is the year of Jesus Christ.  Thus Christmas proves the irrefutable intervention of God in history.
Christmas gives a Message of Peace for Man
Peace is something that everyone longs for but fails to achieve it always. The root cause for lack of peace in man is explained in the Bible as sin. Sin is violation of God’s principle either in thoughts, words or in actions. Man is born in sin and living in sin because of which peace is absent in his personal, family and social life. So many people tried to find solution of sin in history but failed because all are sinners (a blind cannot lead another blind). But God himself became man to provide permanent peace. When Jesus was born, the heavenly beings proclaimed peace to the world. One of the titles given to Jesus is The Prince of Peace. Billions of believers in the Lord Jesus Christ can testify that there is peace in their personal and family lives.
Peace within self and with others is a great thing but peace with God is the greatest thing. God being Holy and Just punishes sin and the whole human race in under sin. Here comes a great separation between God and man. Naturally Man is not able to have access to God by any rituals or so called good life because of his sinful state. This problem has been fixed by God became a human being. Anyone who believes and accepts Jesus can have peace with God for ever.  Thus, Christmas gives a message of peace.
Christmas gives a Messsage of God’s Love for Man

Values are becoming the part of history gradually. Values are becoming the part of history gradually. Once tranquilizers were in the forms of drugs and injecting medicines, now it is in the form of internet and gadgets…. But still, even in the midst of aggressive encroachment of technologies and so called success, are not a surprise in the daily lives. Still people live in fear of future and dismay of death.

Still there are things science and technology cannot provide. Still Peace and Hope are laying unfulfilled dream. Both rich and poor, educated and uneducated, big and small are equally wandering for a piece of Peace may be available somewhere… hurry to find hope… As the Technologies are advancing, worries and anxieties are also advancing. People have no idea where to bury the worries…
But History also has a surprise for those who search for peace.
Love is something that man is really in need of and always longs for. Most often we feel lonely, rejected and insecure for not being loved. Often we think that no one understands us and no one stands with us. Unfortunately no human can love us unconditionally. But Christmas brings the message for all who long for love. It proclaims that God loves you and me. God loves us in spite of our sinful condition. Because God loves us, He punished Jesus for our sin that we may be free from the punishment. The birth of Christ was a gift for the world while the death of Christ reveals the love of the living God. While human love and concern have got limitations, love through Jesus is secure and ends up in everlasting Life. Jesus loves us so much that He could give His life for us. The love of Jesus secures us from all anxieties. Thus, Christmas reminds that God, the creator of this universe, knows me personally and loves me.
Christmas gives a Message of Happiness to Man
Man always longs for happiness but fails at times. All the worries of man are caused by sin and its consequences. Man sometimes misunderstands the true meaning of happiness. Many try to substitute happiness with intoxication, anti-social activities, achievements, richness, entertainments, etc. But it’s a plain fact that all these things will give only temporary happiness. The real and permanent joy comes from Jesus Christ.  God sent His Son to this world that anyone who comes to Him by confessing his/her sins and accepting Him as Saviour can find real joy and happiness in his/her life. Thus, the birth of Jesus gives a message of joy to the world.
In this Christmas season, it is time for you to think of the state of your life. What Christmas means to you? Can you ponder for a few seconds about your life? Do you lack God’s love, joy and peace?
Are you longing for the gift of God’s eternal love? Are you searching for the true peace of mind? Do you want to enjoy your life in its fullest?
Are you happy in your personal and family life?
If you have ever heard the name Jesus, you have heard about your Saviour who can forgive all your sins and gift you an eternal, joyful, peaceful life filled with love of God.
If you trust Jesus Christ, He can change your life. Meeting Jesus brings all these benefits in life. It is worth knowing a historic figure who can really provide meaning in life. Would you open your heart and mind to God’s precious gift?