Piece of Peace

Peace and hope are becoming the unfulfilled dream of man due to various reasons. Family problems, Job loss, financial insecurities, failures, relationship management issues etc are few of the many reasons. Every morning we get up expecting something great but sometimes situations put us into the trap of mistakes. We fail at some or other areas. Not that we want to… but happen… often ends up into peacelessness, Confusion and hopelessness. If anyone is not resilient, slowly s/he will be the prey of anxiety and at last fall into depression. Many who think life is miserable in this way may even go the extend of suicidal attempts.
There is no period in the history where people lived with peace of mind in a regular basis. Each part of history had people came with ideas to help others. Once, history witnessed.

Intellectual Revolution that helped philosophies to be emerged with human reason. Philosophies attached with religions came to offer help in the course of time. But religions left regret in the realm of human mind rather than rectifying the remorse of Sinfulness and bringing rapport in the polluted society.

Industrial revolution brought a lot of job opportunities and gradually paved way for modernism and then to post modernism. Industrial revolution helped science and technologies to be advanced and Information Technology has been emerged. 20th century witnessed a lots of liberal and liberation feelings that could conquer apartheid and caste system in various part of the world. People fought for liberty and slavery system abandoned up to an extent. But immorality and sin has no end. Despair and disappointment continued their anarchy on the human mind.

21st century welcomed the advancement of Science. Science and technology has reached its climax and anything is feasible at the capability of man. Man is like the whole world is in his hands in one way or other.

Entertainments are making the world of youngsters a paradise and enjoyment unlimited.

Post Modernism offers a life of advancement and moreover lack of restrictions.

Values are becoming the part of history gradually. Values are becoming the part of history gradually. Once tranquilizers were in the forms of drugs and injecting medicines, now it is in the form of internet and gadgets…. But still, even in the midst of aggressive encroachment of technologies and so called success, are not a surprise in the daily lives. Still people live in fear of future and dismay of death.

Still there are things science and technology cannot provide. Still Peace and Hope are laying unfulfilled dream. Both rich and poor, educated and uneducated, big and small are equally wandering for a piece of Peace may be available somewhere… hurry to find hope… As the Technologies are advancing, worries and anxieties are also advancing. People have no idea where to bury the worries…
But History also has a surprise for those who search for peace.

The Message of Peace had been proclaimed already in all corners of the world. Rarely anyone can say, I didn’t know about it. The peace is proclaimed in such a way that people have no excuse to say I am still in dilemma. It is as though no need to search for peace because the Prince of peace is in search of people in trouble.

We are talking about Jesus Christ. Jesus offers what the world cannot offer. Jesus offers what Science and Technologies are failed to offer. The offers of Jesus Christ are eternal that there can be no substitutes for them in this world. Intellectual revolution, industrial revolution, job opportunities, advancement of science and technologies, possessions and positions etc are helpless in the pursuit of searching of peace and hope. None of those things could provide meaning to life but Jesus Christ.

The cloud of testimonies throughout the history is just a demonstration of what Jesus Christ and His massage is capable of. The message of Jesus Christ gave hope to crores of hopeless ones throughout the history. Crores of criminals, immoral people, thieves, sinners could change their lives towards success and meaningfulness in and through Jesus Christ.

The only Historical figure who promised rest to the burdened souls is Jesus Christ. The only place to go for refuge at the attack of despair and anxiety is the presence of Jesus Christ. The only source of comfort in the time of difficulties for anyone at anytime is Jesus Christ alone. The only way to celebrate recovery from all types of addictions is the Lord Jesus Christ. The only person who can enjoy even in negative circumstances is a believer in Jesus Christ. The only person who can live in this world with the hope of Heaven is a believer in Jesus Christ. The only person who can give meaning to life is the creator of life that is Jesus Christ. The only person who can give peace to the troubled mind is the prince of peace that Is Jesus Christ.

It is a reality that man is running around searching for a piece of peace but Jesus Christ gives peace like a river that flows to eternity. The peace that can overcome fears and anxieties, the peace that technologies and sciences would never imagine, the peace that cannot be availed by any other means…
One cannot be a believer in Jesus Christ and at despair at the same time!!!!