Empathetic Socialism

God created the universe, filled it with all kinds of living creatures and made a law that would ensure a perfect equilibrium in the ecosystem. He made man and endowed him with the responsibility of supervising the proper functioning of this system. On the contrary, man in his cleverness has drastically attended all the laws that govern the universe to suit his own selfish desires. Man’s self-indulgence, arrogance. His so called intelligence has made him mishandle and exploit nature and its resources. Because of His nature, not only the environment but man himself has gone through numerous adversities and global complications.
Man has gone to much an extent in disrupting the laws of the universe that the Nature itself started retaliating to man’s cunningness in the form of global warming, earthquakes, famines, floods etc.
Darwin’s theory of “Survival of the Fittest” applies appropriately to Nature’s response to man; even though the evolution theory still stands as a hypothesis.
Man should fulfill God’s purpose by  maintaining a harmonious order in the natural world. In failing to do so, man has invited all kinds of discrepancies. There are multiple  reasons behind man’s such heartless nature. Selfishness and arrogance stands out as the primary reasons. To add to it, the rapid urbanization, inflation, advancement of science and technology gives a boost to man’s selfish nature. All this made man the most insensitive and egoistical creature.
Today in the society we witness how  relationship, moral values and ethics have become non- essential. Nuclear families, old age homes, live-in relationships etc are encouraged. Depression and suicides have become quite common in the postmodern life style. Man is controlled by gadgets and social media. As a result there has been a serious deficiency of morality and humanity. Money has become the master of many and has drained out all emotions, feelings of love and compassion. A new morality called “No Morality” has cropped up and has become the slogan of the modern era. Technology has been often misused to abuse mankind. Spirituality has taken a backrest and has become a matter of shame for the unrent generation. Religion that should be a binding agent has divided the people. What is more devastating is the declining of moral values and ethics. The collapse of religion and spirituality will be more appealing for the future generation. The biblical principle; whatever a man sows, so shall he reap is apt for the current scenario.
The Bible does not demand to be mere spectators and endure such moral negligence but diverge from the prevalent immorality and corruption. Biblical principles always let the believer to be more humane and humble than haughty. Bible teaches to be more empathetic to each other than sarcastic. Bible influences the believers to be more loving than aggressive.
There are few alarming questions that need to be addressed urgently. :
    • First, how can we achieve morality among our coming generation?
    • Second, what are we doing to eradicate poverty and injustice?
    • Will the poor remain poor always?
    • Can politics ever save a degenerating nation?
    • Will our children ever learn true love and empathy?
    • What kinds of role models are accepted by the coming generation?
    • Will there ever be a harmony in the universe?
    • Is it possible to achieve a corruption free society?
This article is an eye opener for the readers to realize the faulty trends of the post-modern society and return back to the original purpose of God’s creation of man. God created man in His image to reflect Him in and through the life on earth. The qualities of God such as love, compassion, mercy, humility and justice etc must be seen in and through the daily life on earth. The power of reasoning must be used not for the destruction of society but to build a society that would bear the image of God.
It’s not the communist socialism but an empathetic socialism that can heal the society of much of its evils. Each of us must be empathetic towards each other and care for other’s welfare in family, society and even between nations. The unique teaching of the Lord Jesus Christ is “Love”. Jesus said, “Love your neighbor”, and “Love your enemies” this must be followed by everyone to create a better society for tomorrow.
Our resolution must not be how to make more money but how to make my next generation more loving and caring where they would learn to live and create a better society.
– Joby Thomas
Email Id: solution.life@yahoo.com