Biblical Perspective of Life

While facing certain situations of life like sicknesses, natural calamities and other evil things happen around, we can easily conclude that the physical life is nothing but momentary. The great king and philosopher Solomon said, Life is vanity and everything under the sun is vanity. The life in this world is troublesome and the saddest part of the story is that none of our achievements will accompany us beyond the grave.
The life in this world with its pleasures and gains may lead some people to conclude there is nothing beyond the grave. We are busy running around to live this life in its fullest leaving no time to think about a life after death. But Bible offers a life beyond earthly life. Bible talks about A LIFE which is eternal and peaceful as the ultimate purpose of spirituality. While life in this world is with limitations and sinful, Bible offers a life which is heavenly that overcomes all imitations of earthly life. Why the believers in Jesus Christ can enjoy a peaceful life in this evil world is because Christian life in this world is a life (need to be) of heavenly perspective.
Life starts with birth. Life which Bible proposes also starts with birth. This birth is called “second birth” or “regeneration”. Regeneration is possible by believing in the Lord Jesus Christ. Love and meekness were the qualities Jesus had with which He conquered the life of billions throughout the history. He loved man so much so that he sacrificed his life as atonement for humanity’s sin. Just as His birth and life was unique, the death of Jesus Christ was also unique that he was killed for no mistakes. And history cannot lie on his resurrection that the only tomb which is open after burial even after centuries is of Jesus Christ. The whole purpose of Jesus’ life was to demonstrate God’s love. And interestingly according to Bible, anyone who accepts the love of Jesus Christ will be accepted by God into God’s family having given a spiritual birth and this is called Regeneration.
Realizing God’s love through Jesus Christ and consciously accepting him into heart and willingly dedicating life to him is the process of regeneration. By doing this, one is gifted eternal life according to Bible.
Through first birth, we are born for our parents. But through regeneration, we will be born of God.
The first birth is temporary and ends at death but the Life Jesus offers goes beyond the grave and it is called eternal life.
Through first birth we are given a name, sinners but through re birth, we will be given name children of God.
Through first birth, we enjoy the pleasures of sinful world but through rebirth we can enjoy the eternal blessings of God.
Through first birth we lead a life full of misery and life is vanity but by rebirth and through eternal life we can conclude that life is meaningful.
Through first birth, we get a momentary life but through re birth, we get life that never ends.
Conclusion: – 
Biblical perspective of life is beyond the earthly life. Bible proposes a life of peace and happiness. Bible proposes a life of eternal perspective. Bible proposes a life of assurance of salvation. Bible proposes a life that can overcome the vanity of this temporary life. The biblical perspective of life is always eternal and peaceful. If you have understood it, you must be enjoying it…!!!
It is our prayer that you may understand the biblical perspective of life and enjoy it. Because this life is an opportunity to prepare for the life to come.