GOD – The Amazing Architect

As thou knowest not what is the way of the spirit, nor how the bones do grow in the womb of her that is with child: even so thou knowest not the works of God who maketh all.
Have you ever wondered about the first heart beat that originates in the embryo at 5.5 to 7wks of gestation? What made it start? Scientists and embryologists explain this as a gathering of tiny cells (later forms the human heart) around the 21st day of conception. One cell quivers and this sets off a chain reaction that ripples through the other cells. It repeats and gradually a regular rhythm is established and the embryonic heart begins to pump. I urge you to think; “What” or more precisely, “Who” caused the first beat? It is easy to brush off this amazing phenomenon as occurring due to specific sequence of DNA on the cells that programs them to contract, but we must realize that there is nothing that we can do to start or stop this process. The more we learn about it, the more we are awestruck by it!! Week 5 of pregnancy, the beginning of embryonic period is when many of the baby’s systems will start forming. At this stage, the embryo is just the size of the tip of a pen and has 3 layers (Ectoderm, Mesoderm and Endoderm) which later forms the entire body and its systems. Bioengineering at its best!!
The Brain and Spinal Cord comprise the Central Nervous System. The approx. 1.3kg organ in our skull, called Brain, is like a central computer which processes all information. This organ made up of water, fat and protein, does numerous complicated calculations in a short time!! Recent studies suggest that the adult brain comprises of 86 billion nerve cells called Neurons. They take up, process and transmit information through electrical and chemical signals. Through electrical message, they initiate action in the cells they target. That is now we do our everyday tasks, right from picking up an object from the floor to analyzing complex problems. Spinal Cord is the highway between the body and the brain. It has a bundle of nerves comprising of ascending and descending tracts, ferrying information to and fro.
The minute gap between 2 nerve cells is called Synapse. This synaptic junction is where transmission of impulses take place. The number of synapses and cells have been compared to the stars in the universe.
Our muscle, bones, tendons and ligaments all work as a well-oiled machine. A simple task of catching a ball involves multiple systems like the brain, spinal cord, eyes, nerves, muscles, tendons and ligaments. Heart is the most hard-working muscle. We have 206 bones in our body with a lot of variation, from the femur (thighbone) which is the strongest bone, to stapes (in middle ear) which is the lightest and smallest bone. All performing the task entrusted to them, whether great or small!!
The human eye is the 2nd most complex organ after the brain. It can differentiate approximately a million different colors. The eye comprises of light sensitive cells (rods & cones). The eye converts light into electrical signals which are transmitted to the brain and then converted into images. All this in the blink of an eye!!
Our digestive system with teeth, saliva, strong digestive acids and rhythmic movements that push the food on a journey through the tract, allow the food to be broken down, absorbed, assimilated and then get eliminated. The food we eat are broken down into forms that can be absorbed by our tiny cells so that they can do their jobs. Each cell has a role to play.
With a lot of advancement, man has been able to reach heights in the fields of Bioengineering, Biochemistry, Medicine and Pharmacology. But when we compare this to the intricacy of our human body and its functioning, we are indeed left speechless. Even after a lot of research and progress in medicine and surgery, surgeons always try to conserve most of the healthy, natural tissue of the body while performing a surgery. Natural hair, skin, body tissue, teeth, bones, nerve cells, etc. are the best. Even though these can be replaced, nothing else seems to be good as the original!! This incredibly complex design points to a very intelligent and powerful Creator and Designer. The more we learn, the more we are humbled by this fact. As the Psalmist says in Ps.139:14:
I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
Marvelous are Your works,
And that my soul knows very well.
B.H.M.S; M.S. (Counseling and Psychotherapy); Fellowship in Applied Nutrition
Email Id: safezone.pjoy@gmail.com